Vi havde en vild sjov udklædningsfest!!
My weekend has been all about fun!!
Friday my friend Cam had a birthday party in Copenhagen! It was such a good party, we had all had fake moustaches on until when we got incredible drunk..
I gave her the I Love NY t-shirt!!
My cousin Mette and friend Gustav singing their hearts out
Late night we all went to another party in Cph! And on your way home from Emilie and Yoko's party! We found this coool car. Razz and I could not resist...
The Party Emilie and Yoko held was so fun. Too many people in a medium big apartment in Copenhagen! Emilie said: Finally some people I know!! So funny. I meet my friend Janus whom i haven't seen for aches!! Good to see him. Yoko's room was made into a "dancehall", while Emilie's room was for the talkative people!
I think we came home around 6-7 in the morning.. But the night was not over.
Ate sushi saturday..
Went to "Annexet", my favourite bar in my hometown. I had my 18th birthday party there.
Cam & Sigrid
Beer and shots..
I really like the surfboard table..
(Foto: Maria Lim).

I Love Cph Pride! Love was everywhere in Copenhagen saturday!

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Anders, Nora and Ludvig.. Ludvig sang opera for us.

Alex and Nora from North Carolina. Peter in the back.

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Saturday we went to my cousin's birthday! The theme was the 70's and my family loved it.

Oh my god! This is my dad. His entre' to the party was memorable..

We bought him this Pink Floyd T-shirt! I love it. My dad is musical inspiration, he introduced me to my favourite music! Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Moody Blues, The Beatles , Beach Boys and Pink Floyd! My sweet mom introduced me to country and danish lullabys..

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Distortion/ Vesterbro/Saxogade/Enghave plads/Kbh. Skatehal

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Sommerstemning! Vi nød Hiphop i Saxogade, kolde dåseøl, rose' vin, god stemning og hjemmelavet burgere. Der var fyldt med glade feststemte mennesker..

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Enghave Plads

Bitchslap's dansekonkurrence, der blev vundet af en 10 årig dreng!! Han blev rigtig skuffet over sin premiere der var en kæmpe champagne! Hans mor fik den.
Det var så sjovt, folk gik amok..

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Om eftermiddagen tog vi hjem til Alex og chillede..

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Vi sad nede i baggården med vores "homemade" - bær med meget rom i- drinks!! Vores ven Razz, kom forbi med kæresten og deres bedårende hund Angus!

(Foto: Alexander Fog).

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Razz, Ophelia og Angus inviterede til forfest... Som senere blev til festen!

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Og så blev vi alle sultne og cyklede ud i natten.. Elsker at cykle fuld og med venner!

(Foto: Maria Lim).

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Om aftenen tog vi på Drone, lækker lækker bar/club/ spillested.
Vi tog derhen for at høre det fantatiske rockband The Blue Van! Det var en fantastisk koncert!!!!!
Den var gratis. De var så cool og der var super fed stemning.. En intim koncert, vi var nok omkring 100 mennesker pressede sammen i et lille lokale! Men det var fedt. Efter koncerten var modMODmod dj's- lækker 60-70' musik.

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Efter Drone tog vi videre til Sankt Hans torv og gik på barrunde! Tog på Mexibar( tror jeg den hedder) og delte en kæmpe "tequila rød ting" drink, som var helt pragtfuld alkoholisk i forhold til prisen, "sølle" 56 kr.

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Derefter tog vi på RUST, hvor jeg håbede på at se min veninde Sille, der arbejder der, men hun var desværre ikke på arbejde.

(Foto: Maria Lim).
Da vi skulle hjemad, bestilte jeg en pizza til mig selv!! Jeg er begyndt at få sindssyg stor appetit når jeg er fuld!! (For at være helt korrekt endte aften med en ananas Sunlolly! Tak Mette)
Var i Helsingør i lørdags. Her er nogle af mine venner.. Mødtes med dem til det traditionelle loppemarked! Efter nogle gode fynd, tog vi op i parken og drak nogle öl.
Meget underholdende
(Foto: Maria Lim).

Waiting for the train to Copenhagen, eating chicken barbeque sticks from 7Eleven

We met up with my good friend Pia and ate at this chinese restuarant..

They had the Queen on the wall.

The beer was better than the food.

We took the bus..

The hostress- Cam and Mette had a Housewarming party.

posing got intense and strange..

Jean- Michael Basquiat poster-


Holy Madonna candle..

My Boy and Nikolaj. I went to High school with Nikolaj- we have both changed so much after High School.

My man..


Nynne and Mischa.. Two blonde cuteattacks.

The man of the hour- My good friend Alexander, pimped out with a fake fur and a hat. He looked so good, that everybody needed to strike a pose.

Pia became a sheap.

The dirty floor- Nørreport station ( Copenhagen!) I hate this trainstation, everything is so dirty, the air is cruel- Nørreport st. is to small!!

the woman with the blue t-shirt, sitting behind.. Scared the shit out of me!!! When we saw her the first time she had a hoodie on, and shoes! When we walked through the ferrierterminal she had no shoes on and her hoodie was gone.. She had big scares on her big red arms, and it looked like she was in panic over something! So we thought someone was after her, so we decided to walk slowly, and like block the que.. but no one was after her! After some rationel thinking, we decided she was on drugs- behaving strange and sweating as hell.. You could really see in how horrible state of mind she was in- I think she thought someone was after her!? But I was so scared of her..
The good thing was that we meet our friend Jonas at the ferrie, apparently we went with the same train to Elsinore. It was good to see him- he's like the most positive human being i know.

(Foto: Maria Lim).

Lørdag. Til 3 fester- kaotisk-
Alexander&Emil's indflytningsfest!
Ninas store fødselsdagsfest!
Til Club Dakota og se Johannes( OWLVISION) spille.
Det hele var super sjovt og fik set det meste af kbh den aften- Nåede også at sige farvel til Andreas..

På vej hjem..

At The Tivoli- We went there to meet up with some friends, a pretty fun night! The funniest for months!!

A little broken Jagermeister

Spongebob- Who did this? So cool

So heavily drunk!! Thank god for finding Spongebob..
(Foto: Maria Lim). Housewarming/New apartment.

Nytår 2009.

Roskilde festival

(Roskilde Festival 08/ Vi har løse håndled).
Roskilde Festival 2008.

Me & Sille.

(Surprise fest!)

(Foto: Maria Lim/Gæster).